Smart. Communications
All sensors include serial data communications to connect with SenixVIEW setup software or your equipment. Choose either the RS-232 or RS-485 model, with the following communications format:
Selectable Modbus (default) or ASCII streaming protocolsBaud rates from 9600 (default) to 115200 bpsMany other features, all adjustable using SenixVIEW softwareWe recommend the RS-485 Serial Data Interface unless connecting to an RS-232 device. The benefits of RS-485 over RS-232 include:
Multi-sensor Modbus-addressable RS-485 networksBetter noise immunity in industrial environmentsAllows longer cable lengths at higher baud ratesBottom line: more capability and high valueEnergy is conserved in battery-powered applications since these sensors power-on and are ready to measure in under 1 second. If you only require a Serial Data interface all models are available without the additional analog and switch outputs at reduced cost and power consumption, and use a 4-wire (plus drain) cable instead of the standard 6 or 9-wire cable.
Multiple Outputs
Analog 0-10 VDC and 4-20 mASwitches: Configurable as Sinking (NPN) or Sourcing (PNP)User-configurable with SenixVIEW softwarePush-button adjustments all models except ToughSonic 50ToughSonic 3, 12, 14: Two concurrent outputs + serial dataToughSonic 30, 50: Five concurrent outputs + serial dataSerial data communications (RS-232 or RS-485)Ultimate Flexibility
All sensor outputs are SenixVIEW configurable by the user.
Analogs can be calibrated between any two distances, adjustable analog limits, positive or negative slope, and no-target time delaySwitches have both hysteresis and window modes, time delays (on, off & no target)All analogs and switches all have response settings for power-on initialization, loss of target echo (delay and state) and SYNC lostEasy. Teach Button
Sensors come with a default setup but many features are adjustable using the rear push-button (except ToughSonic 50). The default setup can also be reset using the push-button, or the button can be disabled.
Adjustment is easier and more powerful using SenixVIEW software (see below).